CupOfTherapy誕生於2017年5月。是芬蘭知名插畫家Matti Pikkujämsä與心理治療師Antti Ervasti結合的創作。


“Mental health made visible” (讓心靈的風景被可見) 是其的座右銘,鼓勵人們注意並承認自己的情緒所在,即使是敏感困難的議題,都能透過作品得到慰藉,喚起世界關注心靈健康的重要性。


CupOfTherapy was founded in May 2017. It is the brainchild of the world-renowned illustrator Matti Pikkujämsä and psychotherapists Antti Ervasti and Elina Rehmonen.

Every illustration is based on a true story. Encouragement, comfort and the attitude of humour are reflected through adorable animals, and clear and simple phrases.

CupOfTherapy’s motto is “Mental health made visible”, encouraging people to be aware and recognize their own emotions. Through CupOfTherapy’s works, they seek to allow people to obtain comfort, and raise global awareness on the importance of mental health, despite sensitive and challenging issues.  

The CupOfTherapy world was created by psychotherapy professionals Antti Ervasti and Elina Rehmonen together with awarded and internationally recognised illustrator and graphic designer (who constantly works with Marimekko, Samuji, Muji, Idee, Graniph, etc..) Matti Pikkujämsä. 

Who we are?

Mental Health made visible